Morning Meal
Morning Meal is an interactive performance about breakfast in collaboration with performing artist YiLing Hung. We explore one of the most mundane moments in our lives: breakfast. With a focus on breakfast soundscapes and their connected memories, we engage with the audience in dialogues about personal history, food culture and identity.
In this performance, we take an autobiographical approach by documenting and sharing our own daily breakfast routine. Our work resonates and questions how different places and their cultural contexts shape one’s identity and emotional cartographies of breakfast. Through field recordings, reflective storytelling, breakfast ingredients, we perform ourindividual breakfast stories. Contrasting narratives about experiences with bread come to the surface, unpacking our different cultural and personal relations with common breakfast food. The focus on breakfast soundscapes also weaves through the interactive part of the performance. We invite the audience to recall their earliest sonic breakfast memory and describe the sounds one can hear while preparing or eating breakfast.
It is within collectively mapping these everyday narratives, the soundscapes of everyday life, the vague memories of past breakfasts, where we find new poetic gestures. A gesture that re-navigates usual ways of relating to everyday life, food, mundane routines, and our ways of having collective conversations about them.
Morning Meal, Kristina Mau Hansen
Morning Meal, YiLing Hung
Photos: Livia Franssen