Sound walksYear: 2023 - 2024
"Luisterwandelingen" is an annual soundwalking project taking place in four different landscapes in Wageningen. The botanical garden Belmonte Arboretum, the city centre, Droevendaal community and the floodplains next the Rhine river. During the walks we listened attentively to the landscapes, played with the soundscapes and attuned to the underwater world of the Rhine with hydrophones. The walks offered a platform to connect with the landscapes through embodied ways and follow the stories of each place by listening.
Walking to the Rhine
Listening to raindrops, Arboretum Belmonte
Listening to the reverberating voices, De Grote Kerk
Playing with making the flower sound, Arboretum Belmonte
Photos: Livia Franssen
Funding: Stichting Cultuurstad Wageningen.